Updated: 11 Sep, 2023

Effective Date: 11 Sep, 2023


The NOX Energy APP is an EV charger service provided by MOX. The guidelines here will explain how NOX Energy collects, uses and stores your personal information, along with the rights you are entitled to

Protecting user information and privacy is our basic principle. Whilst using some features, MOX will collect your personal information after obtaining your consent. Refusing to provide such information will only result in your not being able to use the specific functions relating to such information, but does not affect your normal use of other functions of NOX Energy.

In order to collect your information under these guidelines, or provide you with services and improve our services, MOX will ask you for relevant permissions, including sensitive permissions such as camera, microphone and etc.

It is important to note that obtaining sensitive permissions is a necessary but not sufficient condition for us to collect specific information. When we have obtained certain sensitive permission from you, it does not mean that we will inevitably collect your relevant information. Even if we have obtained the sensitive permission, we will only collect your relevant information when it is necessary and in accordance with these guidelines.

Personal information we collect and use

During your use of NOX Energy services, NOX Energy will collect the information you actively provide or have generated, due to your use of services in the following ways to provide services to you and optimize MOX services. You can view the permissions specifically involved in the app through NOX Energy Privacy Protection Guidelines , you can turn on or off the permission at any time through "Settings - Application permission" of your device to manage your corresponding information authorization. In particular, even with your authorization, we will not collect your information when relevant functions or services are not needed.

Personal information we collect and use

Information from third parties

In order to jointly provide you with services, improve the quality of products and services, and out of reasonable needs such as service security considerations, MOX will, in accordance with laws and regulations, national standards, compulsory government requirements, or based on your authorization, receive your information from related companies, alliance members, partners, and other trusted third-party suppliers, service providers and agents.

We use the collected information for the following purposes:

Image of information

Our application may require access to your device's image gallery or permission to capture photos directly through the app. We collect this image information to provide specific features or services, such as allowing you to scan QR code, setting your personalized avatar. The image information we collect will only be used to fulfill the services and functionality you have requested. We will not use your image information for any purposes unrelated to these services unless we have obtained your explicit consent before hand.

Storage of information

Where the information is stored

Currently, personal information is stored on the Amazon Cloud Server in Singapore.

Information storage period

In general, we will only keep your personal information for the time necessary to achieve a specific purpose. In the event where we cease our products or services, we will delete your personal information or anonymize such information within a reasonable period of time. ("anonymization" refers to the technical processing of personal information so that the subject of the personal information cannot be identified and the processed information cannot be restored. Any information obtained from anonymized personal information is not personal information.)

Information security

We attach great importance to the security of personal data, and strive to secure users' information.

We will use a variety of measures within reasonable security standards to protect your personal data and prevent information leakage, improper use, unauthorized access, disclosure or modification.

We have set up specialized management systems and processes to ensure the security of information. For example, we strictly limit the range of people who may access such information and require them to comply with the confidentiality obligations.

We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal data. However, any method of internet transmission or electronic storage is not absolutely secure. Although we protect your information through commercially acceptable means, the absolute security of the information is still not guaranteed.

Your rights

During your course of using NOX Energy, in order to provide you with an easy way to access, change, delete your personal information while ensuring you with the right to withdraw your consent regarding the use of personal, we have provided you with the applicable function when designing the product. In addition, we have also set up a report and complaints channel, in order to address your feedback in a timely manner.

Delete your account data(Account cancellation)

NOX Energy account information is maintained by MOX. After your account data is deleted, you will not be able to use NOX Energy service normally. All information and data stored and used before you log off your account will be permanently deleted. Please log off your account carefully. In addition, account cancellation does not mean that all your account actions and related responsibilities before account cancellation are exempted or impaired.


We may revise these guidelines in due course. In the event where the terms of these guidelines are amended, we will show you amended guidelines when the APP version is updated.

Contact us

If you have any queries, comments, suggestions or complaints about the handling of personal information, please contact MOX by calling the service phone (+61 2 8999 8830), and MOX will review and deal with the issues involved as soon as possible.